DAN BARON | 312.315.9858 | dan@danbaron.com

Writer. Consultant. Cub fan.


Client List : Project Highlights

Project Highlights

Newsletters: Newsletter clients have included Millennium Reserve, Safer Foundation, National People’s Action, the Property Management Resource Center and the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority.

Public Awareness Campaigns: Recent projects included producing a range of public awareness materials for the Adult Protective Services Program of the Illinois Department on Aging.

Annual and Anniversary Reports: These reports are often the cornerstone of a group’s communications. I have written annual and anniversary reports (print and online) for many groups over the years, including Bethel New Life, the Chicago Rehab Network, Mikva Challenge, the Steans Center at DePaul University, the Elder Rights Program of the Illinois Department on Aging, and more.

Communications Plans: Many organizations develop a strategic communications plan that analyzes and maps out how they will tell their story. I have researched and written this kind of plan for numerous nonprofits.

Grants: Grant proposals and letters of intent written for Chicago Commons, the Albany Park Community Center, the Loyola University School of Social Work, the Campaign for Better Health Care and other groups.

Web Content: Writing of web-based content for many groups, including the Metropolitan Planning Council, Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and Citizen Action.

Outreach to Media: Much of my work is used by groups when they reach out to the media. I’ve also written press releases and various pieces for media packets, and consulted with groups on media strategy. Early in my career, I wrote a news service called Newstips for the Community Media Workshop (now known as Public Narrative) that shared what was happening in the nonprofit world with the media.

Columns: Writing for clients often involves editing columns for a publication. I have also written over 200 columns, and worked as a columnist for The Times of Northwest Indiana and Chicago Parent magazine.

These types of projects are a sample of what I do. Over the years, I have also written brochures, case statements, reports and many other projects. For more information and examples, let’s connect.