DAN BARON | 312.315.9858 | dan@danbaron.com

Writer. Consultant. Cub fan.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who have you written for?
I have written for and about dozens of nonprofit organizations in the Chicago region as well as various universities and state agencies.

Do you have a team of consultants and professionals you work with?
Yes. I frequently work with independent designers, photographers, printers and other professionals.

Do you usually work with a client team or a single person?
That varies. In many cases I will work with a team of people that can include executive directors as well as communications, development and program staff.

What do you charge for your services?
I charge an hourly fee or use that fee to estimate an appropriate cost for individual projects.

Have you ever written a grant on commission?
No. I do not accept grant-writing projects where payment is only delivered if the grant is funded. This practice is widely discouraged – not only by most grant writers I know, but major associations of fundraising professionals.

What do you know about my organization, and the issues we work on?
If and when we meet, I would try to be prepared by reviewing your website and media stories about your group. It’s very possible that I’ve already done at least some writing and research on issues your group works on over the years.

Do you work well with deadlines?
No. Just kidding. Yes, I work well with deadlines. One time while working for a newspaper, an editor assigned a story to me at 4:45. He said he wanted it by 5:00. With the help of 14 ounces of coffee, I made it happen.

Are there any organizations you won’t work for?
Yes. And if I name them, I may receive some really obnoxious emails. Let’s just say I try to write for groups and causes I believe in.